
Spider (Software) library of objects in Matlab 

Matlab resources: Here are a couple of Matlab tutorials that you might find helpful: and   More manuals  

Easy Start up Primer

For emacs users only: If you plan to run Matlab in emacs, here are matlab.el, and a helpful .emac's file.

MIT open course

MatLab Books:
Numerical Methods Using MATLAB by Lindfield and Penny Prentice Hall, 2000
An Engineer's Guide to MATLAB, Magrab, Azarm, Balachandran, Ducan, Herold, Walsh, Prentice Hall

Octave resources: For a free alternative to Matlab, check out GNU Octave. The official documentation is available here. Some useful tutorials on Octave include and

Data: Here is the UCI Machine learning repository, which contains a large collection of standard datasets for testing learning algorithms. If you want to see examples of recent work in machine learning, start by taking a look at the conferences NIPS (all old NIPS papers are online) and ICML. Some other related conferences include UAI, AAAI, IJCAI.

Machine Learning Package


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